
Wednesday, 8 February 2012

How to: BEAT the Wrinkles

 Hi all! Today's post is all about how to remove and minimise the appearance of wrinkles. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Here's the tips and tricks in making those unwanted wrinkle to disappear.

1. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Most wrinkles are caused by sun damage. Further color and texture changes and deepening of wrinkles can be avoided with religious use of an SPF 15 or higher.

2. Don't rely on your makeup. While many foundations offer some sun protection (they may even boast an SPF on the bottle), you'd need to apply several teaspoons to get adequate coverage. Use a separate sunscreen instead.

3. Invest in sunglasses. Squinting in bright sun can exacerbate wrinkles around the eyes. A basic pair of UV-blocking shades works wonders to stave off these wrinkles!

4. Watch your expressions. Years of brow furrowing or resting your cheek on your hand can cause wrinkles to form. Take note of your repetitive facial gestures and put a stop to those that are affecting your skin.


I hope these few tricks can help you to get rid of those irritating wrinkles!


  1. I think this is useful not for me only but goes to everybody be it male or female coz we all get older soon or later. this is simple and great post! like it! i will share it with my friends and family. :)

    1. ouh.. thank you so much for the liking! i bet everybody will think this post useful. we definately post a simple and effective post just like our tagline. be simple, be you. thank you again!

  2. I have wrinkles.. and this is much a great help. Thank you simply beautilicious! :)

  3. will keep your tips in mind next time i feel like frowning. haha. i definitely wont go for botox though

  4. Wow, I did not know that brow furrowing or resting your cheek on your hand can cause wrinkles to form! I will keep in mind that next time! Thanks for sharing, Simplybeautilicious!

  5. Agree! We should take good care of ourselves

  6. Thanks! Just what I needed (:
